Nice blog! One thing I want to point out is booking has a very large share buyback program and has been running in years. Airbnb on the other side, has pretty heavy dilution due to large stock based compensation. Both are great companies, but if I have to pick one, BKNG is safer.
Nice blog! One thing I want to point out is booking has a very large share buyback program and has been running in years. Airbnb on the other side, has pretty heavy dilution due to large stock based compensation. Both are great companies, but if I have to pick one, BKNG is safer.
You are right about the Airbnb dilution, see the comparison here: - But it's worth to mention that 2024 was the last year where large stock option programs from the Airbnb IPO vested. So I expect a similar positive buyback effect from 2025 on also with Airbnb stock.
Nice take. Do you have a deep dive on Airbnb?
There was a first article about Airbnb back in April (I wouldn't call it a "deep dive" though. ;-)